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Vitrine Globo

A marketplace for Globo's digital products 

Design team

Antonio Duarte (Senior UX Designer)

Tânia Mendonça (UX Designer)

My role

Product Discovery, Information Architecture; User Research; Visual Design





The challenge

The streaming industry keeps growing with new services and business models surging every now and then. Following that movement, since 2019 Globo has been increasing its digital D2C services and partnerships in a way that their previous sales platform's technology weren't enough.

The challenge was to start an integrated marketplace, where consumers could subscribe to all products provided by Globo and its partners such as Globoplay, Premiere, Cartola, Disney+, Deezer, among others.

Product discovery workshop

We had all stakeholders in a room to talk about:

• Business pain points
• Tech pain points
• Users pain points
• Innovation on the streaming industry
• Features functionalities

First Concepts

Captura_de_Tela_2021-06-13_as_19.46.48 (1).png

After a 2 hour brainstorm session 4 concepts came up to the table.


• Different card hierarchies to attract users' attention

• Images engaging with content

• More interactive components to improve the experience

• Organizing by categories might be a good scalable architect solution


• Users could only  choose the frequency of payment after going to the checkout, increasing the chance of possible frustrations

• The use of brand logos might be a problem because of marketing rules

• Develop more interactive components would add complexity for the MVP, affecting the delivery time  

MVP concept


Design Critique

I decided to run a Design Critique with other designers from Globo and collect feedback. The activity was simple: my pair and I explained the project and got 4 designers to analyze the project's usability for 30 minutes.

Here's a few learnings from the critique:

• We realized Section 2 could drive users to a content journey that wasn't part of the MVP. It was a valuable subject to solve the issues about Vitrine and landing page strategies

• The group came with the hypothesis that it might be interesting to make it easier for users who already know what to subscribe or just want to go straight to the offer's section instead of scrolling around the page.

Visual Design

Frame 908.png

Usability test

It was my responsibility to create the research plan while my pair focused on finishing a few assets for developers. Globo's UX Research Lab was responsible for recruiting and user moderation.

Top research findings:


• People used section 1 as their "navigation menu" because they engaged more with the images than the tabs in the offers section


• Almost no one clicked on the first CTA button, they only used the anchor buttons in the cards

• People engaged easily with the toggle to choose payment frequency

• Users found it difficult to swipe the tabs and navigate through product's category on mobile


• Users were able to find their best choice to subscribe and concluded the purchase successfully

Overall learnings and next steps

The usability test closed at the end of the first round of the project. While testing, the business team was running the sales experiment and collecting data.

From the sales perspective, the average price ticket was more expensive than purchases from the landing page.

After analyzing the research results, the UX team and the PO addressed small iterations that would improve the experience without taking a lot of effort from the developers. You can see the results below:

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